Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Wrath Launch event @ Mad for Miniatures

Mid Cornwall gaming club  decided to do something a little different with our Wrath event, that's right we pulled off an all night gaming session. We started at 10:30 PM after the club had finished and ended at about 7:30 AM.

Before the night had even kicked off Mike could be seen downing Red Bull and pro plus......a sign of things to come maybe?

10:30 PM - Everyone starts to unpack and prepare for the first round of games.

My first game of the night was against Mike and his crazy horse army of doom led by eStryker, he took first turn and ran across the board, after a my turn one Mikes dead pile looked like this -

It didn't take long after that for pIrusk and his trusty mob of Winterguard and Behemoth to drive out the Cygnar invaders!

My second game was against my good friend Tom and his nasty mercs....Mangled metal style! For this game I took my trusty Harkevich list, cant go wrong with Big B, Black Ivan and a Berserker!

The plan was simple Bombard everything into the floor and charge whatever survives...

After a few turns of solid fire and an angry Berserker preventing his gun bunnies from shooting Harkevich had won the field!

3:30 AM - We all had a short break here to have...... A ROAST DINNER.....yeah that's right we sat down and had a roast at 3:30am, good times ;)

After we had all enjoyed a warm meal we went back to war!

My next game was against Steve "Strawberry" Phillimore and his eCaine list.

I'm always on edge when facing eCaine, but he's a very popular caster at the club with no less than 3 people using him, so Ive worked out ways to deal with him.

First turn a ran the IFP's up the right flank to give him something to think about, whilst moving everything else up the centre, usual WGDS iron flesh etc.

At this point Strawb was suffering from the lack of sleep and focus his WHOLE army on removing the IFP's from the trench they had bed down in...leaving eCaine with no camped focus.

My turn eSorscha Cyclones up the field, then moves and pops her feat, the Kovnik Joe starts shouting about the mother land and one combined ranged attack later eCaine is dead on the floor.

It was at this point I turned around and saw this -

The aforementioned Pro plus popping Mike was in his sleeping bag...not a good sign!

This was the scene moments later ;)

Luke moves in to investigate.

With a pen....

Before having a rest himself.

Here are some more pics from the games themselves -

The results at the end of the EPIC event are as follows -

1. Darren - 33 ( Champion coin)
2. Matt - 29 ( Khador coin)
3. Mike - 27 ( Cygnar coin)
4. Pat - 25 ( Merc coin)
5. Vini - 21 ( Menoth coin)
6. Steve - 21 ( Cryx coin)
7. Luke - 20 ( Ret coin)
8. Tom - 17 ( Signed poster)

It was a really great night/ morning and id like to say a massive thank you to everyone involved, Vini in particular who went straight on to run a tournament the next day until 6:30PM!


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