I have another Kernow-machine gamer profile and battle report for you all today!
Kernow-machine gamer profile
Time gaming - 2 years
Favourite game - Warmachine
Favourite model - Titan Gladiator
Current forces - Khador, Skorne, Chaos Space marines, Space marines, Imperial guard, Warriors of Chaos, Dwarfs, Empire.
Aims for this year - Win the final Shattered grounds league at MFM.
I didn't manage to grab any shots of Richards models, but will get some for a future post!
Onto the game!
Khador vs Skorne (35)
I apologise for the lack of painted models I my part, Ive only recently started using my Khador again!
My list
Standard Army
PCs: 35 / 35
22 models
[00] Kommander Harkevich, the Iron Wolf (0 / 5 WJ remaining)
[13] >> Behemoth
[10] >> Black Ivan
[08] Iron Fang Pikemen (9 grunts)
[02] >> Iron Fang Pikemen Officer & Standard
[05] Kayazy Assassins (5 grunts)
[02] >> Kayazy Assassin Underboss
Richard's List
Standard Army
PCs: 35 / 35
10 models
[00] Lord Tyrant Hexeris (0 / 6 WB)
[11] >> Molik Karn
[10] >> Bronzeback Titan
[08] >> Titan Gladiator
[05] >> Cyclops Savage
[05] >> Cyclops Savage
[02] Paingiver Beast Handlers (3 grunts)
I won the roll for first turn, but decided to go second instead.
Deployment looked like this -
Rich - Turn one
- Hexeris casts Psychic vampire on himself and soul slave on the Bronzeback, then advances.
- Molik Karn uses fate walker and advances.
- The Gladiator advances and riles for 3 fury.
- The Bronzeback, both Cyclops and the Paingivers all advance.
- Molik uses fate walker to move again.
Matt - Turn one
- Harkevich casts escort on himself and fortune on Behemoth.
- The Iron fang pikemen use Defensive Formation and run.
- The Kayazy run.
- Black Ivan makes a full advance, takes a shot at Molik a causes a little damage.
- Behemoth advances, misses Molik with both shots, the second shot scatters onto the Gladiator and causes minimal damage.
Rich - Turn two
- Sucks up some fury and upkeep's both spells.
- Hexeris advances 6 and arcs obliteration through the Bronzeback killing 3 Iron fang pikemen.
- The Paingivers advance, enraging the Bronzeback and healing the Gladiator.
- The Bronzeback charges into the Iron fangs and kills two.
- Everything else (except Molik) advances.
- Molik charges and kills one Kayazy.
Matt - Turn two
- Harkevich upkeep's fortune and escort.
- IFP's charge, roll REALLY badly and only cause 5 damage on a Cyclops and 5 on the Bronzeback.
- Harkevich advances and casts broadside, Big B and Black Ivan cause Molik some pain.
- Ivan shoots Molik.
- Big B shoots and kills Molik.
- Kayazy advance.
Rich - Turn three
- Suck in the fury and upkeep both spells.
- Hexeris advances and calls his feat.
- Cyclops 1 advances into the IFP and after he kills one the feat makes them kill each other. (Grrrrr)
- Cyclops 2 advances.
- Paingivers advance and remove the fury from the Cyclops.
- Gladiator kills one Kayazy and riles for 2.
Matt - Turn three
- Harkevich upkeep's his spells and puts one focus on Ivan and 3 on Big B.
- The Kayazy use kill stroke to engage Hexeris causing 8 damage and killing a Paingiver.
- Harkevich advances and pops his feat.
- Behemoth charges and destroys the Gladiator.
- Ivan charges the Bronzeback but doesn't do a lot :(
- The remaining pikemen tickle the Bronzeback.
Rich - Turn four
- Upkeep soul slave.
- Hexeris eventually manages to kill the Kayazy around him and heal and little damage.
- The Paingivers and Cyclops manage to kill the rest.
- The other Cyclops fails to scratch Behemoth.
- The Bronzeback misses Ivan and he dodges out of combat.
Matt - Turn four
- Upkeep fortune.
- Harkevich casts broadside, causing a fair amount of hurt on Hexeris.
- Behemoth kills the Cyclops before dropping bombard shells on Hexeris - ending the game.
Thank you to Rich for a very good game, I look forward to a rematch soon!
First off the painting table this week we have a model I painted for Rich - Alexia (Risen coming soon)
Next we have my spawning pot (Crew coming soon)
And finally another model for my Khador - Epic Butcher!
That's all for now!
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